Turn in your peanut butter! Weigh-in Wednesday in Tacoma

TACOMA — Have you or your local union been collecting peanut butter for Secretary Patty Rose’s peanut butter challenge? The final weigh-in of the Pierce County Central Labor Council’s 2016 Peanut Butter Drive will be held at the delegate meeting on Wednesday, May 11.
The PCCLC reported having about 300 jars in the office last week, but they know that some of their affiliated local unions (and you know who you are…) have been holding their peanut butter in reserve until the final weigh-in. So whether you’ve just been busy and couldn’t get here or you’ve been planning a jaw-dropping delivery — Wednesday, May 11 is the final day!
Bring your peanut butter to the IBEW Local 76 Hall, 3049 S. 36th St. in Tacoma, before the 7 p.m. start of the PCCLC Delegate Meeting so it can be counted for the final tally. If you have more than a couple of bags, please try to bring it earlier. Once again, members of Letter Carriers Branch 130 will be there to help tally and stack the peanut butter.
Electrical Workers Local 483 will once again create a human chain to deliver their peanut butter starting from the front doors of their office and extending up to the doors of the IBEW Local 76 Hall. They have invited all affiliates and delegates to join in the fun — and to see what wacky costume Alice Phillips will be wearing this year. If you are available, you need to be at their office at 3525 S. Alder St. in Tacoma, by 4:30 p.m.

Last year, the peanut butter drive brought in 7,897 jars, weighing a total of 12,642 pounds, which were donated to the Emergency Food Network through its system of local food banks and feeding programs in Pierce County.
“The generosity of our local unions and their members continues to amaze us — and the entire community,” said PCCLC’s Patty Rose. “Thank you for your participation in this effort to fight hunger.”
Thanks to The Stand for publishing this! Short URL: http://www.thestand.org/?p=48934