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Today is the Day to Give Your Peanut Butter Away!

Update May 12th, 2016:

We've collected over 12,000 jars of peanut butter!

Thank you to all of the Unions and individual donors that contributed this year to help feed hungry children!

The Labor Agency would like to recognize the following groups for their donations and dedication to ending the summer hunger!:

IBEW 483 Teamsters 117 WEA/TEA ILWU 23 Laborers 252

UFCW 367 AFSCME 120 NALC 130 IBEW 77 WFSE 53

IUOE 286 OPEIU 8 SPEEA WFSE 793 Machinists 297

IBEW 76 Wash/Tech Roofers 153 WSNA Jobs with Justice

Teachers 461 SMART/UTU 556 Machinists 751 PC Democrats

WEA/SoundView A. Phillip Randolph Institute Tom McCarthy Campaign

Retired Public Employees Chapter 10 Teachers Local 4184

Retired Public Employees Chapter 12 Advocates for Retirement Action - Tacoma PC

With this donation, thousands of kids will enjoy a healthy and nutritious snack this summer!


Today is the day! Turn in your peanut butter to the Pierce County Labor Agency!

This adorable sign was attached to a peanut butter donation!

We are aiming for over 7,800 jars of peanut butter this year. The word on the street is that we will have close to 12,000 by tomorrow!

Our Executive Board room is filling up with donations!

Teamsters dropped off 2,008 jars who were followed by Laborers Local 252 with 252! The Tacoma Education Association donated a staggering 1,182 jars last night!

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